Council of State Science Supervisors
“The voice and vision of science education for the states”

CSSS Webinars

Committees and individuals from the Council of State Science Supervisors hold webinars to help support all aspects of science teaching and learning (instruction, assessment, administration, etc.). As webinars occur their recordings will be posted for CSSS Members, partners, and general public to use. 

 Webinar Title  Webinar Date  Webinar Description  Webinar Links
Science Professional Learning Standards 
   and Online Learning Strategies
 May 5, 2021 This webinar introduces  strategies and technology tools for supporting the attributes of professional learning as outlined in the  SPLS During this webinar, participants will engage with this resource as we model some of the strategies.   Meeting Recording
CSSS/OpenSciEd - Supporting Discourse  October 19, 2020

This webinar introduces the essential features for productive classroom discussions and highlights important considerations for implementation in both face-to-face and remote learning settings.

 Meeting Recording
CSSS Response to COVID-19 School Planning Series- Lab Safety  July 30, 2020 CSSS invited Ken Roy and Kevin Doyle to talk about safely returning to the science classroom in the Fall for the 2020-2021 school year. This webinar was offered to an audience of CSSS and NSELA members.

Meeting Recording
(Presentation slides are not available for this webinar)

Engagement of our Indigenous Communities as Partners in Implementation

Session 1: State Contexts

Session 2: Case Studies


June 3, 2020

June 18, 2020

CSSS presentation was lead by Maya Garcia (CO), Ellen Ebert (WA), Lauren Kaupp (HI), and Bjorn Wolter (AK). In this meeting the participants were introduced to different resources and materials to better support indigenous communities in our states.
Online Professional Learning - Session 2
May 26, 2020
The CSSS Professional Learning Committee invited Dr Kim Fruman from Harvard University to share research about effective online teacher Professional Learning Practices. Participants considered strategies for facilitating online professional learning that aligned with Attribute 6 of the Science Professional Learning Standards.
Online Professional Learning - Session 1  May 19, 2020 The CSSS Professional Learning Committee invited Dr Barry Fishman from the University of Michigan to share research about effective online teacher Professional Learning Practices.

Meeting Supporting Elementary Science -
CSSS Elementary Science Committee

 May 8, 2020 The CSSS Elementary Science Committee hosted a webinar to support Elementary Science Teachers become aware of the science instructional materials available from Newsela, National Geographic, and ECA Science Kit Services.

CSSS Community Building Hub

Meeting 2

 March 24, 2020 Continued discussion of update resources to support science education (teachers and students) in states and territories

CSSS Community Building Hub

Meeting 1

March 17, 2020  In response to the needs of state science leaders adjusting to changes in education due to COVID-19 CSSS members met together to discuss projects they will build to support the work of science teaching and learning in states and territories
Bringing Earth and Space PHENOMENA into K-12 Classrooms through Digital Media with NASA and WGBH/PBS LearningMedia     March 4, 2020 From satellite images to computer models and data visualizations—digital media tools and resources are increasingly integral to engaging in scientific practices. WGBH has collaborated with NASA and teacher advisors across the country, to develop K-12 supplementary digital resources that are flexible and adaptable for diverse learners. These resources have been designed for active student engagement in science practices, are free and include a range of support materials for instructional integration. In this interactive webinar, we will fly through the universe, experience global Earth phenomena, and observe the Sun.
Validity of Assessments:  Consequences of large-scale testing
 January 22, 2020  

The Assessing Student Learning Committee invites you to participate in a webinar to explore the consequences of large-scale testing as they relate to the validity of the assessments.  During the webinar, we will interview a panel of district administrators from Michigan, Missouri, and Washington State about the ways large-scale assessment data is used within each district. In addition to questions the facilitators will pose to the panelists, we will welcome questions from the audience.

ACESSE Project Report on Findings November 7, 2019 The first round of the ACESSE (Advancing Coherent and Equitable Systems of Science Education) Project, funding by NSF and lead by work from CU Boulder and the University of Washington, concluded and information about the findings was shared with CSSS Membership and all others interested.
Safety Webinar w/ Jim Kaufman October 23, 2019 CSSS members heard from Jim Kaufman as he shared ideas and best practice for classroom laboratory safety.
Strategies for Engaging Educators with Place Based Learning in Science  August 1, 2019 This webinar was hosted by Lauren Kaupp (HI) and Deb Morrison (University of Washington) and focused on using strategies that support place-based learning, exploring relevant resources, and engaging in discourse around our roles as system leaders in implementing pedagogies that tackle inequity.

 Achieve Webinar:
How do we collect data system-wide to ensure we are moving towards equity?

 July 18, 2019
Achieve hosted a webinar this month for the 50 State Science Network about how we can use data (beyond state assessments) to move towards a more equitable science classroom. University of Washington's Dr. Deb Morrison shared her work on Practical Measures, which provide a way to measure both activity in the classroom and how students experience that activity. This allows teachers and leaders to gather data about some of the more difficult-to-measure indicators laid out in NASEM's recent report, Monitoring Educational Equity.
Designing Inclusive Science Learning Environments: Supporting Students Who Receive Special Education Services  July 17, 2019 This webinar was a collaboration between CSSS and the STEM Teaching Tools team from the University of Washington [Gina Tesoriero, Enrique Suarez, and Philip Bell]. The focus of the webinar was supporting students who receive special education services.

 CSSS/NSELA Joint Webinar:
Science Professional Learning Standards

 January 10, 2019 This presentation gives an overview of the science professional leadership standards. These standards are designed to support all science educators in making informed decisions about the attributes, implementation, and evaluation of professional learning experiences. The SPLS provide clear expectations for both the provider of professional development and the participant in professional learning.
 CSSS Instructional Materials Webinar: Information and Updates on the OpenSciEd project  December 18, 2018 This presentation was lead by Jim Ryan (Executive Director of OpenSciEd) sharing information and updates on this unique project with our CSSS members
 CSSS/NSELA/Achieve Joint Webinar: Achieve Systems of Assessment  October 24, 2018 This presentation was lead by Aneesha Badrinarayan (Achieve) and a Nebraska team of Sara Cooper (NE Dept of Ed), James Blake (Lincoln Public Schools), and Betsy Barent (Norris Public Schools) sharing how they have been working with Systems of assessment in Nebraska.
 CSSS/NSELA Joint Webinar: Supporting Students in Meaningful Engagement in Three Dimensional Learning Through NGSS Storylines  August 30, 2018  This presentation was lead by Michael Novak (Northwestern University) and Misty Richmond (Chicago Public Schools) sharing the work they have done creating and implementing 3Dimensional Storylines.

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