The third BCSSE meeting was held in Pittsburgh. Nashville brought together 43 states and 70 participants to begin the process of developing knowledge and capacity within the Framework for K-12 Science Education along with strategies and tools to communicate with various state-based sectors about the Framework and its key role in the development of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). |
Presentation Computer-based Performance Assessments from NAEP and ETS and Their Relationship to the NGSS Presentation Developing Assessments of K-12 Science Proficiency Consistent with the NGSS Presentation How to Cultivate a State-level, Equity-focused Science Implementation Team and Approach Presentation Identifying Quality Instructional Materials that have Fidelity to the NGSS Presentation Making the NGSS Accessible to All Students NGSS Adoption and Implementation Workbook Breakout Session: Tom Keller shares about the adoption and implementation workbook that EDI and Achieve co-developed. (Next Generation Science Standards, BCSSE Conference Presentations, BCSSE-Pittsburgh, 2013-06-08) Presentation Professional Development Schema to Support Teacher Implementation of NGSS Presentation Supporting Learning in Diverse Science Classrooms Supporting Science and Understanding and NGSS Through Common Core Literacy Breakout Session: Arthur Beauchamp presentation on how NGSS and Common Core instruction support each other with an emphasis on the ELA standards. (Next Generation Science Standards, BCSSE Conference Presentations, BCSSE-Pittsburgh, 2013-06-08) Supporting the Vision for Science Education Through Research General Session: Helen Quinn highlights what si new in the Framework and the NGSS and what the next steps might be for implementation, including future projects of the Board on Science Education. (Framework for K-12 Science Education, Next Generation Science Standards, BCSSE Conference Presentations, BCSSE-Pittsburgh, 2013-06-08, Crosscutting Concepts, Disciplinary Core Ideas, Scientific and Engineering Practices) Undergraduate Discipline Based Education Programs, Teacher Preparation, and NGSS Breakout session: Susan Singer and Heidi Schweingruber, Deputy Director, Board on Science Education share about the findings of the Discipline-Based Education Research Committee at the National Research Council to support teacher development programs. (Framework for K-12 Science Education, Next Generation Science Standards, BCSSE Conference Presentations, BCSSE-Pittsburgh, 2013-06-07) |