The resources on this page were primarily developed and refined by the Building Capacity for State Science Education (BCSSE) project of the Council of State Science Supervisors to help states, districts, and schools realize the vision for science education that is laid out in the National Research Council’s Framework for K-12 Science Education and engage in the development of the Next Generation Science Standards. |
Background and Overview
Framework Overview A single page document that gives a broad overview of the purpose and structure of the K-12 Framework. (Framework for K-12 Science Education, General / No Specific Audience, Briefings, Awareness Presentations, 2012)
NGSS Overview A single page document that gives a broad overview of the NGSS, including the current timeline for publication. (Next Generation Science Standards, General / No Specific Audience, Briefings, Awareness Presentations, 2012)
Progressing from Framework to NGSS A single page brief that can be used to provide background information about the relationship of the Framework to NGSS as well as some ideas about how this vision of science education differs from what has been done in the past. (NGSS, Framework, Brief, CSSS, 2012, Non-specific Audience, Awareness) (Framework for K-12 Science Education, Next Generation Science Standards, General / No Specific Audience, Briefings, Awareness Presentations, 2012)
Summary of Major External Reviews A list of tools/resources designed to support reviewers before they provide feedback to the NGSS. (Next Generation Science Standards, General / No Specific Audience, Briefings, Achieve, 2012)
Why is the Framework and NGSS Needed? A summary of the reasons why both the NRC framework and the NGSS are needed to improve science education. (Next Generation Science Standards, Briefings)
Presentations for Awareness
Engineering in the Framework This is a one-hour presentation that focuses on Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Disciplinary Core Ideas for engineering. The session is intended to provide awareness of the engineering component as presented in the Framework. (General / No Specific Audience, Awareness Presentations, 2012, Crosscutting Concepts, Scientific and Engineering Practices)
Framework Overview - 20 Minutes A short (20 minute) presentation that gives an overview of the purpose and structure of the Framework. 19 slides. (Framework for K-12 Science Education, General / No Specific Audience, Awareness Presentations, 2012)
Framework Overview - 60 Minutes A slightly longer (60-90 minute) presentation that gives an overview of the purpose and structure of the Framework. 40 slides. (Framework for K-12 Science Education, General / No Specific Audience, Awareness Presentations, 2012)
Science and Engineering Practices This is a one-hour presentation that focuses on science practices. The intent is to support the ideas of explanations, models, and argument as feature parts of science instruction. The ideas were developed to be consistent with the Framework. (Framework for K-12 Science Education, General / No Specific Audience, Awareness Presentations, 2012, Scientific and Engineering Practices)