Resources for Work with Federal Title Programs CS3 ESSA Title II and IV Toolkit - Nov 2019 (PDF) CS3 ESSA Title II and IV Toolkit - Nov 2019 (Word) This document was developed to help science leaders understand and access federal funds under two US Department of Education programs. Title II is typically used for professional development and Title IV is for Student Support and Academic Enrichment – both pools being highly useful for improving science education opportunities for teachers, principals and students. This particular tool provides information for state science supervisors as well as local science education leaders such as district supervisors, lead teachers and school leaders. Planning and working together at the state and local levels may maximize the impact of these funds. Please make this document available to science education leaders in your state. NSTA Webinar Archive - Grant Funds in ESSA for Science and STEM, April 3, 2019 In this webinar, Jodi Peterson (NSTA) and Larry Plank (NSELA Past President) share details about the the funding available from the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) for STEM, what district leaders and classroom teachers can do to access these funds, and some emerging best practices in STEM (and computer science) that all schools should consider. |